Barrow ford Nursery Jelly Tots
The Jelly Tot room provides a fun environment where learning experiences are meaningful and enjoyable. Children are stimulated and challenged with planned purposeful activities that provide opportunities for learning, both indoors and outdoors.
The practitioners use their knowledge of each individual child to provide relevant and appropriate content that matches the child’s different level of needs, building on what the child already knows. They provide an environment and opportunities which aim to support and extend their knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence.
The Jelly Tot children enjoy exploring their indoor to outdoor environment. They have direct access to our wonderful outdoor surroundings and provision. They transfer their play and learning from the indoor resources, engaging in their actions and play, naturally developing their curious play outdoors.
The Jelly Tot practitioners work closely with their parents and families, demonstrating mutual respect within which the children feel security and trust.
Ofsted judged our nursery as ‘Outstanding’
- ‘The leadership team is inspirational which results in all practitioners being totally committed to providing a highly stimulating and exciting learning environment, both indoors and outdoors.’