Barrow ford Nursery Jelly Bears
Our Jelly Bear room is the perfect transition room from our Jelly Baby room to our Jelly Tot room. When your child is developmentally ready they transition to this room at around 18 months and remain in the Jelly Bear room until around 24 months although, some children may remain for a longer period of time, allowing their PSED to develop ensuring a smooth transition to the Jelly Tot room. The experienced Jelly Bear practitioners continue to ensure that the children develop and maintain secure attachments with their keyworker.
The practitioners are knowledgeable that children of this age have a greater understanding than their ability to express their thoughts and ideas, therefore they role model and support the child through their frustrations. The children are provided with rich and stimulating experiences with the learning environment being well planned and organised. The practitioners observe and respond appropriately to the children, informed by a sound knowledge of how children develop. They have a clear understanding of possible next steps for the children, supporting them in their learning and development
The practitioners within this group build positive relationships with parents and carers, in order to work effectively with them, and creating consistency between the home and the setting.
Ofsted judged our nursery as ‘Outstanding’
- ‘Children are exceptionally supported by warm and caring staff which fosters their wellbeing.’