Barrow ford Nursery Jelly Beans
Children join the Jelly Bean group at around 3 years old and remain with this group in the year before they transition to school. The practitioners within this group are very knowledgeable and experienced in supporting the children to become ‘school ready’.
High quality pre-schooling is related to better intellectual, social and behavioural development for children. Our practitioners demonstrate warm, interactive relationships with the children, a passion for children to learn, viewing education and social development as complementary and of equal importance. The provision we offer supports the children in our care to make better all-round progress.
Our view is that there is no rigid distinction between teaching and play, our experienced practitioners believe that opportunities for learning can be identified in all areas of the child’s day e.g. at lunchtime social interactions help PSED skills. The learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, provides the children with stimulating, interesting and fun packed surroundings. We support the children to make sense of the world by providing opportunities to genuinely engage with it, exploring through quality resources, with the practitioners knowing when and how to intervene and extend what children are learning.
Of course the children in the Jelly Bean room also are provided with rich, engaging and stimulating adult led activities. These activities promote sustained shared thinking and instructive learning environments. The practitioners facilitate and set challenges, communicate and model language, demonstrate and explain what is happening and encourage curiosity, exploring ideas and critical thinking.
Parental partnership is central to this group. The practitioners work closely with the children and their families, promoting learning at home. We believe that everyone can be a beneficial educator from other children, parents, grandparents and our skilled practitioners. This working in partnership gives children a strong start in their lifelong learning journey.
Ofsted judged our nursery as ‘Outstanding’
- ‘The nursery is an exceptionally inclusive and highly stimulating environment for all children.’