Our Ofsted report

The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), Children’s Services and Skills regulate and inspect providers to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.

Ofsted rated us ‘OUTSTANDING’ following our latest inspection, with inspectors stating:

‘The nursery is an exceptionally inclusive and highly stimulating environment for all children. Both the indoor and outdoor areas are excellent and are carefully designed to promote learning in every area.’

‘Children are exceptionally happy and secure in the setting. They excitedly talk about what they are doing.’

‘Extremely knowledgeable and experienced staff have high expectations for every child throughout the nursery and work tirelessly to ensure that all children can reach their best possible outcomes.’

‘Books are accessible in every area of the setting, allowing children to include and incorporate these into their play. Skilful staff automatically embed mathematical language into the daily routine.’


Click here to read the full OFSTED report >

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