We offer both a term time and full time option at Barrowford Nursery, ensuring that our families get the best possible support they can from us whilst remaining value for money.
We also offer extended hours of provision, opening at 7.45am until 5.30pm. During these hours we offer a huge variety of session times. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the provision, options and sessions that would benefit your own individual circumstances. At Barrowford Nursery we endeavour to provide what you need so we are happy to discuss flexible times and sessions.
Enhanced learning
At Barrowford Nursery we aim to support the children in our care to reach their full potential and be the best little learners they can be. To offer our children more, fulfilling experiences we facilitate a range of exciting extra provision, including…

iPlay Soccer School
Our friend Rob is a FA/UEFA qualified coach. He delivers an innovative programme which aids the development of, not only physical skills, but also listening, understanding and social skills. He has even been known to put some of the daddy’s through their paces at our ‘Bring someone special to nursery day’.
The sessions are delivered in a fun and friendly way, engaging the children through play.
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Forest school sessions
The children have plenty of opportunities to explore the natural world and to challenge themselves during our forest school sessions. The forest school approach seeks to encourage, motivate, engage and inspire children through positive outdoor experiences. Our skilled practitioners ensure that children are given freedom to direct their own learning in the beautiful, natural outdoor environment.